Save Yourselves

No seriously.... I'll tell you how to put your life jacket on, maybe coach you a bit give you a friendly push (maybe a smack to the back of your head), but you better do it yourself! LOL But seriously, the bible says this right here:

"And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation."- Acts 2:40

Now because it's me, and I have an active imagination. I read verses and I think of different scenes of life and pop culture. This is my blog so if you don't like it go away! ^_^ Let's look at one of my favorite scenes from Titanic for further clarification of why I say save yourselves, point you to your nearest Acts 2:38 KJV Apostolic/Pentecostal/Holiness church(Or mine!), encourage you to do what Jesus leads YOU to do, and keep rollin'....

Now here we have this beautiful girl faking rich, who is caving to peer pressure from her no good Mom trying to force her to "Marry Up" so she can live the rich high society life, and look good in the eyes of her 'girlfriends' at the expense of whatever it costs. And the Mom doesn't really care about the health status of her kid (think of how she would have been if she got Grandkids... *shivers* I would have been like 'Your Grandparent rights are revoked! Forget what your girlfriends think about me! What does Jesus think?' ^_^), so now poor Rose is trying to jump of the back of the Titanic. Which goes down anyway because it's the Titanic... Another lesson in don't tempt God by saying it's unsinkable or something is impossible, because anything is POSSIBLE yall! Then we have poor poor Jack....

MRW imgur resets my browsing to "most viral images, sorted by popularity"

Jack, just BARELY got on the ship, he steps in to stop this girl from harming herself, does stop her, and then gets blamed after successfully keeping her from jumping off the ship... Rose should have just, prayed (TO JESUS!), respectfully declined her dead wrong crazy Momma and leave. Which makes me wonder, how did Rose's Dad die?... That Momma... I wouldn't put it past her! Notice a pattern.... Maybe if Jack had thought about that question he would have lived... Think about that.... Moving on!

Now my bible tells me what to do in some specific areas. And I do that. I know, crazy right?!?!?! There are only a few times where I get involved when my bible tells me I don't have to because I think about what happened to poor Jack stepping in to save Rose.... Well I think about Jack and no good fakers like the dude Rose's Momma was trying to marry off to:

Every year

See, Rose would have been stuck with this dude.... Mom's and your fam are SOMETIMES wrong, be respectful but know when to pray and say 'No', Jesus showed us this happens sometimes! It's right here:

"46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. 47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. 48 And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? 50 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them." - Luke 2:46:50 KJV

See this is what I mean, Humanity is just slow, Jesus is super fast! Think what would have happened if Jesus had actually listened His natural Mom in this specific case.... Think about that. Thusly, all I just have to do is tell the truth to YOU! Do my best to live it in front of you. Which, I do and remind you I ain't Jesus I'm just trying to be more like Him (And maybe secretly praying that He smites certain no good people/haters... He ain't through with me yet! :D ). Successfully secure your ticket with Jesus according to what? That's right... Acts 2:38 KJV: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

After that, I deal with the rest as it happens focusing on Jesus ultimately, right now it's the up and downs of the thorn in my flesh called POTS and all that comes with it. Jesus works in mysterious ways, and I'm cool with this. Jesus could do more today if people would make adjustments and fight off whatever you have fight off to stay with this Apostolic Truth once you get it, instead of:

  1. Focusing on other people (Other than your great Apostolic Pastor, if yours isn't great, well I'm praying for you!!).
  2. What other people think, (Other people ain't Jesus, but they will be judged by Him.... Let that sink in.... soooo get on the good foot! ^_^).
  3. Who gets credit for what...Why? Because ALL the glory belongs Him, if you ain't pointing the glory to Jesus, you got some situation going on.... handle that).
  4. What this system tell you that you HAVE TO HAVE. I need Jesus, you need Jesus, we all need Jesus! #Acts238ToTheDeath

Jesus could do more.... If we would get out of the way and let Him really take control. When I see people who won't do that, I'm secretly playing this song below in my mind. Well it's not a secret anymore, because I've told you Internets. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel FINEEEEE! ^_^  Why? Because Jesus is on the way, like seriously He's right around the corner! And under no circumstances am I missing the Rapture! #LOL


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