Going Where No One Has Gone Before

Tai Chi Master Waterbending

**So first off some minor fine print, I'll restate a disclaimer that I've stated a long time ago. I wasn't raised in the UPCI or any major organization. I was raised in the wild of the Independent Apostolic/Holiness/Pentecostal Faith zone. Basically think of it like this, you are in a ship that is your church, floating in the midst of outer space and ANYTHING is liable to happen sooo you better be prayed up! O_O Yes, I was home-schooled growing up and we had TV/movies/shows/sports/International films/etc since we didn't really go out much (Home Missions FTW... annnnnd something something #sheltered). Fast forward bad scenes, learn to block out a certain amount of language, the basics to prepare you for function in the “outside world”. Just make sure you have your faith together, rebuke Satan in the Name of Jesus when necessary, and don't let go of Acts 2:38 KJV no matter what. Well, that's how I approach MY life, so far so good. Me and Jesus are cool, and I'm a legal adult (although it feels like I shouldn't be allowed to be sometimes) and head of household of me facing the real world everyday on some level. But Jesus is number 1! I am not number 1, there is a list and I'm not sure where I fall on my geeky household list, but I know I am not first. Enough about me! Bible Study!**

(Basically this my life.... #POTSWarrior4Jesus LOL)
Astronaut Bruce McCandless II doing the first-ever untethered spacewalk in 1984

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" - Romans 1:20 KJV

Think of the currents in the ocean, the waves in the sea. There is a certain level of things in this life that are seen, but there is a spiritual level that is unseen. On the spiritual level science and the medical field is still trying to unravel and figure out what is going on. Trust me, I know. A diagnosis of POTS/Dysautonomia teaches you a LOT like talking to those in the scientific, medical, and legal community (I take notes from Jesus, He has done it all before and was not afraid to do time for truth.... let that sink in... #Fearless ^_^).

Replaying the same level in a video game for the hundredth time

So! The carnal is the frontend that we see with the natural eye, but the spiritual is taking place on the backend that can't be seen with the natural eye. To ignore the spiritual and pretend that only the natural is what we need to be concerned with, is luda-luda-ludicrous.

Ludicrous, which according to dictionary.cambridge.org means "ridiculous or foolish; unreasonable or unsuitable:". Jesus was real He was not in any way ludicrous. He commands the wind and the waves. They obey. It says so right here:

"39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" - Mark 4:39-41 KJV

The wind and waves are fighting. Who you gonna call? I'm calling on Jesus. I don't know about you! Bending water and all the elements, that's what my God can do! Moving on....

Jesus created everything from the beginning so of course He knows what's going on, now trying to impart it to regular humanity, slow as carnal humanity is, can be annoyingly difficult. Which is why now having access to the Acts 2:38 KJV process and getting the Holy Ghost can fast forward things. But gosh I understand Jesus' moments of frustration with resistance, who cares about the source! Satan be creepin'! But Jesus is here, there, and EVERYWHERE....... Sooooo better get right... Start that Acts 2:38 Process ASAP get the Holy Ghost and stay powered up because things are getting real cray. Look around the end is so near #bro....

When my coffee-Red Bull combo kicks in and I start to see the sounds


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