If Jesus Had A Credit Score, What Would It Be....

I'm going in!

"42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?" - John 6:42 KJV

Now if we all take a moment, to stop and think about the systems of this world, you are known by what you do for work or school, or what your parents do for work or school. There is NOTHING new under the sun.

If you read that scripture up there that's how the very ones Jesus was trying to save judged Him. But how did they know something was clearly different about Him, to where they started to perceive Jesus as an actual threat to the system in place? A lot of supernatural activity was going on around Him. Some was super cool, like this:

"Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.
And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." - Luke 9:1-2 KJV

Super awesome, the disciples got powers.

Limited powers, but powers nevertheless. That's awesome. But if you back up a bit in the same book of Luke, you find this minor detail after the well known "Legion" exorcism passage:

"32 And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.
33 Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.
34 When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the city and in the country.
35 Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid." - Luke 8:32-35 KJV

Why were the people afraid though?

In my humble opinion, it was for more reasons than the display of supernatural power and activity. Jesus also messed with the people's money. In an uncontrollable or foreseeable way. Remember that live stock was at that time, and even now, is a source of income to somebody. How was someone who was considered, lower than others, able to not only mess with the money but also restore order to someone who was 'crazy', all in an untraceable way? 

I mean, there was no trail of breadcrumbs leading back to Jesus, but anybody who was worth the salt that went into their bread in the area knew that Jesus was the one responsible. Even though many didn't like Him, talked about Him (sometimes to His face even... the nerve of some people!) they knew they had to be careful. Least their income source POSSIBLY disappear (Swine owners lost a little, okay not so sweet...), or POSSIBLY increase (Lunatic Dude could now earn an income, very sweet for him!). 

Which brings me back to the title. At the rate of money lost to the pig owners and order restored to the one dude, if there had been a credit score system in place, what would it have been for Jesus? It depends on who is keeping score, no? 

To the man that was a lunatic before and unable to function, (simple things like, it's okay to maybe visit a tomb but not live there... Just saying....), Jesus probably was rated pretty high in his eyes. To the people who owned the swine.... well Jesus probably wasn't their favorite person. 

Thusly, respect, and come correct to Jesus! Plus, Jesus wasn't easy to monitor or control by the system at large. He put on display a level of supernatural activity that wasn't easy to understand (Because He's God) and also put on display that He wasn't an 'act' that could simply be requested to 'perform'. He was and is real. He was about standing for spiritual truth that wasn't always easy to grasp, but rather abstract. And if you were sensitive enough spiritually, you would be in step with Him...

Think of all the people and encounters Jesus had with those that spent their entire lives studying scripture day and night. And Jesus shows up, sometimes seemingly out of nowhere, imparting earnest truth, understanding, and etc. Some probably REALLY didn't want to hear the spiritual truth though. I honestly believe sometimes it was just out of jealousy, since many thought and talked about Him like He was a nobody in scripture while He was with them in the flesh.... But umm, can't deny that a lot of stuff was going on around Him and His close followers that made everybody wonder (I said wonder so I could use this gif). #FightForSpiritualTruth #JesusTruth #hehe

The heathens knew what was up! #ClassSinner And they loved and took time out for Jesus and His real followers, and recognized the ones that were just 'acting' holy on the outside. Real recognizes real. And those who are real, knew to forget about anybody's score on Jesus. He's legit. 

I'm not Jesus, but I'm doing the best I can to take up my cross, follow, and be more like Him. Because He showed us all something that is timeless. Being spiritually real in really dark situations. There's no amount of money in any currency that can afford something like that. It's rare. It's something once you experience, you won't forget. And Jesus died on a cross so you can get in the truth. Locate your nearest #Apostolic #Pentecostal #Holiness church and start that #Acts238 process. And if you don't get the Holy Ghost right away, keep praying and praising to get it! Because Jesus is worth living and dying for and the Holy Ghost is a precious and powerful gift that is worth fighting to get and fighting to keep.

  So! Until next #BibleStudy, #PreachJesus according to #Acts238! ^_^ 

Umm, because I love the lyrics of this song and can't live without Jesus:


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