Has Jesus Honestly Paid Your Price?

Ooooooh deep title! So there I was baking cookies and BAM! Jesus starts dealing with me. It all started when I was thinking about the cost of break and bake cookies lol But enough with the fan fare. So yeah, yeah, we all know the saying “Jesus Paid the Price” blah, blah, blah. However, in my humble opinion, the question we must ask ourselves is “Has Jesus paid MY price?” Now I'm not talking about “little” stuff us humans see as no big deal, I'm talking about the price tag on the “big” stuff that most everyone in modern society can agree with as being just plain wrong. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for all of humanity, but as the song lyrics go “Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? No. There is a cross for you, and there is a cross for me.” (Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? by Thomas Shepherd).

Jesus didn't get off the cross while people were smashing that crown of thorns on His head like 'gosh humanity isn't worth all this. Yeah, yeah, 42 generations is a long time, but I change my mind, I'll just get those angels I was telling Peter about to destroy all these evil doers doing this to me. Maybe Peter had the right idea when he cut that dude's ear off...' But nope, Jesus did his job and He paid the price for the sins of the world. Well the rest of us who signed up to rep' Jesus while we live down here get those big moments where we can say, 'uhhh, yeah I didn't sign up for all of this...' or 'man forget my cross, check this out! I WANT IT NOW!'

Now God left on record like soooooo many different examples of people who were suppose to be reppin' God who didn't just stumble. Some just took a straight nose dive to the ground. Biggest case in point that pretty much anybody who has heard of the King James Version Bible knows of, is David and Bathsheba. But lets all take a moment from 'oh here we go again with this one!' and lets elevate our minds for a second. Let's forget about David chillin' on the rooftop checking out a married and naked bathing Bathsheba, and let's bring the focus to the other totally innocent victim in this OTHER than the love child born to Bathsheba and David(And how come no one talks about Bathsheba y'all?!?! She could have told King David 'Oh King live forever, but naw I got me a good righteous husband! Oh wait, he works for YOU!' and take a page from the 3 Hebrew Boys themselves and did this:
But that's for another post!). I'm talking 'bout Uriah.

Lets look at this:

"14 And it came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah. 15 And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die." 2 Samuel 11:14-15 (KJV)

Uriah was Bathsheba's totally righteous husband and one of King David's loyal soldiers. Now come on Y'all! He did NOTHING WRONG!!! NO THING!!! Man wouldn't even go home to his own wife because his brothers in the Lord were out on the battlefield! Red blooded males: How many of you could honestly say that you would be thinking that way if you got leave from the battlefield???

I hadn't thought about it before, but now I wonder what Uriah's final thoughts were, as the same brothers in the Lord pulled away from him to ALLOW him to get slaughtered in battle with no backup willing to even TRY to lend a hand (One day I'm getting on that military leader Joab's case too! SHAME!). The same ones he wouldn't even go home to spend the night with his apparently physically gorgeous wife for (And I don't care how “good looking” someone is, they aren't worth killing ANYBODY over! They ultimately go to the bathroom like everybody else! And their poop smells bad too! That's right! I said it! Hahahahahaha #NoShameInMyGame #None!). Yeah. Those same guys. Though I don't know what his final thoughts were, the bible left on record what kinda heart he had for God and for his brethren.

Fast forward to today and our modern times. Within my own flesh I feel an original song coming on and the chorus goes 'That ain't even right!' LOL But I had to ask myself, what if that was God's will
for MY life? To do everything that I knew how to make my life right in the eyes of Jesus and always be looking out for the best interest of the WHOLE body of Christ and not my own piece of flesh (Or someone else's #AgainNoShame), and then I find out what my cross is to be in the end. That it is to be to forced to give my life as the ones I love, my brothers and sisters in Christ, backed away from me in the heat of battle. Have I allowed Jesus to pay my price, to say, 'If that is your will for my life Jesus, then willingly I will press toward that mark.'? Or will I ALLOW my flesh to say, like the Price is Right game, 'THAT'S TOO MUCH!' It's something to think about and ponder in the heart, that is to say, to think on it in our mind. I hope and pray this helps someone out, it definitely sobered me earnestly!


  1. I love you. You are a complete mess, to God be the Glory!


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